I love dinosaurs and I always have since age 2. Every book and museum I visited would teach me false information on them. As a Christian we need to know the truth. I remember when I went to a Christan school they had no idea they where teaching Evolution. So many parents let their kids read books and go to school to learn about dinosaurs but don't spend any time really telling them what the bible has to say about them. This is when they are lost and start to believe evolution..
question 1:
Did dinosaurs turn
into birds?
Creation scientist is easy:
birds were made on day 5
dinosaurs were made on day 6
Evolution is where we have a problem. We run into problems like this:
warm-blooded vs. cold-blooded
bird-hip vs. lizard-hip
feathers and scales are dissimilar
origin of flight
Archaeopteryx true bird, is older than "feathered" dinosaurs
explain to me these.
Genesis is clear that God didn't make birds from dinosaurs. In fact dinosaurs (land animals day 6) came AFTER winged creatures on Day 5.
So if you eat chicken don't worry your not eating mutant dinosaurs.